


Reading Reaction Journal #3

(2008, April 15th). The Irish Times Retrieved November 17th, from http://www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lnacademic/?

In this article, mainly the problem of Ireland about education is mentioned. That is not to spend enough money on education. According to the author, most of big groups of countries spend money more than about 7.0 per cent of GDP while the rest of countries, only eight countries, spend less than that. Especially, Ireland has much educational population while the others have just 20 per cent of whole population. From 1995 to 2004, Ireland spent much on education though it doesn’t last while any other countries spend more money than what they had spent. In the past, Ireland decided to spend much money on education, but it did not work so easily. Moreover, while America spent much money on higher education, Ireland could not do that because of less enough private sources. The country that has those problems still has to struggle to solve these problems. If this country can spend enough money, 7.0 per cent of GDP, this country can solve many problems like the lack of pre-school problem, the size issue in primary school, the supporting second-level system, children that have emotional or behavioral problems, and so on.

Through reading this article, I think about the expenditure on education of Japan. In this article, Japan is also the country that spends less money on education. That is mentioned Japan has less educational population in this article, but I still think Japan also has to spend more money on education. I think to educate well will lead to common wealth of the country, so I strongly agree with the article and the author. Thinking about Japanese education, I also think the biggest problem is the difference of institution’s quality among prefectures. Indeed, there are prefectures that have enough money to spend on education or not, but I think there must not be difference among them. This is the reason why I think the privacy sources are good things for good education. It is said that teachers cannot expect much salary in Japan. This is also caused by the less expenditure. That is the reason why I strongly think that all countries should spend enough money on education to be great educated countries.


Kristie, K. (2010, October). Perfect practice in class action; education.Retrieved h from http://www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lmacademic/?

              In this article, the best way to be good teacher is mentioned. Of course, learning from the text or hearing the experience that predecessor did before are also good way to know basic strategies; however, using them in practicum is the best way. Through hands-on experience, we can know whether these strategies suit our teaching styles or not. And also, one more thing is needed in practicum. That is being matched with the one who has passion or well-developed teaching strategy.
              I strongly agree with this article because I also have thought that we can learn the way to be good teachers through having experience. Moreover, I think that knowledge is also need for us to be good teacher because they are the experience from the past and we can experience from them. This article is about Australia but it also can be said that in Japan. When I was in Japan, I already experience a kind of hands-on experience. I went to elementary school and middle school as a volunteer. Thorough these experience, I could find that I really want to be a teacher. Moreover, I plan to go to schools in the U.S. I am sure that this experience also will lead to my knowledge. Since then, I am going to try to learn some strategy of teaching skills. In this way, I will take up all chance to be a good teacher.


Poniewozic, J. (2010, October 23). Two takes on the schools crisis. Time.

              In this article, we can see the great ways to educate through arguing about TV program. There are some easy to educate that are the one who has a critical dream or goal can learn effectively and school environment should be enough to be the place for educate. These things are mentioned through arguing some TV programs. In this way, we can see the problems of education through seeing programs about school in these days. All in all, the most important things are passionate teachers, good equipment and inspiration.

              Reading this article, I could learn the effective way to educate. I agree with this author because I also think the one who has no goal cannot learn anything. Moreover, I was surprised because I have never thought that TV program might be good staff to know the problem of school. That is the reason why I would like to see TV program and use it for being a great teacher. I think some Japanese TV programs also can be used for knowing problem of education. On the other hand, I thought that we have to recognize whether or not the problem that is mentioned in programs. This might be hard thing to do; however, I think to think about school all the time is great thin for teachers. That is the reason why I will do that for students. And also I think to see not only TV program but also TV news is good thing. In this way, I will try to follow the changing of education.